How to Get Blogger Site Feed URL?

Blogger site feed is an XML form of the contents of the blog. When any website have some posts or contents with some html tags that site should have some feed also. Blogger site feed are important to distribute blogger content to the subscribers and search engines.

Blogger Site Feed

Why Blogger Site Feed is required?

Blogger site feed are required for two major causes. They are:

  • User Subscription: Blogger don’t offer users to subscribe the blog directly. But users can subscribe the blog feed via Blogger RSS Feed or Blogger FeedBurner Feed. If any change in the feed is occurred then the user or subscriber is notified via email with the new contents.
  • Search Engine: Google search engine also take the contents from any website as feed. Because feed is the raw content of the whole website and easy to access and manage for any search engine.

What is Blogger Site Feed URL?

Blogger site have a auto generated feed. Which can be accessed from the links below:

How to Add Blogger Site Feed to FeedBurner?

To add your blogger feed to feedburner for easy subscription system follow the steps below:

Add Blogger Site Feed to FeedBurner
  1. Enter Myfeed in FeedBurner website From Here. Scroll down and you will see a box like above.
  2. Enter your site url and click on next.
  3. Identify your feed source. By default best feed source is selected. So, just click on next.
  4. Set feed title and feed address. Then click next.
  5. You are all done! You will see a url to browse your feed.

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